NAPB advocates for increased support for cultivar development, plant breeding education and plant germplasm resources
NAPB advocates for increased support for cultivar development, plant breeding education and plant germplasm resources
The NAPB Graduate Student Working Group (GSWG) is composed of graduate students across the country that share a passion for plant breeding.
Mission: The GSWG supports students to strengthen their efforts in plant breeding to promote food security, quality of life, and a sustainable future. This is achieved through providing networking opportunities and professional development opportunities such as workshops and seminars at the conference as well as online throughout the year.
Borlaug Scholar interviews
George Washington Carver Scholar Interviews
The NAPB BORLAUG SCHOLARSHIP PROGRAM strengthens the plant breeding profession by helping support attendance of future leaders at the NAPB Annual Meeting. We seek upper level undergraduate and advanced gr
Welcome to the official website of the National Association for Plant Breeding! We are the culmination of a grass roots effort by plant breeders from around the USA to engender support for the work of plant breeders and to raise public awareness for the important work of plant breeders. We are led by an all-volunteer team nominated and elected by the membership.
The annual NAPB conference addresses the methodologies and technologies applied by today's plant breeders, help educate young scientists on the latest methods of developing improved plants for sustainable production, and provide opportunities for participants to network and develop productive collaborations to ensure discoveries are translated into commercially relevant products.
The NAPB annually honors plant breeding scie