Message from the President Thomas Lübberstedt

Highlights of each NAPB year are the annual meetings. Former president Ksenija Gasic and her team pulled off another great meeting, showcasing the positive momentum and development of our organization. Activities in the coming year will build on ongoing efforts. Importantly, past presidents Hannah Senior and Ksenija Gasic will lead development of the 2024-2028 strategic plan. It will incorporate the 4-pillar structure, proposed at the 2023 NAPB business meeting.

NAPB Members visit Congress

NAPB Members visit Congress

NAPB members from the Advocacy Committee join a group on behalf of American Seed Trade Association (ASTA) to advocate for federal agricultural research investment.  The 2023 Farm Bill makes this a key moment to visit with Congress regarding the benefits of agricultural research. (names on photo from left to right Dave Bubeck, Paul Nelson, Jim Parks, Diana Escamilla Sanchez, and Payton Englert (ASTA)).